Wednesday, 29 June 2011

CPD thing two: Spoilt for choice! (part one)

I am having real difficulty in choosing which blogs to follow. I know I can't pick too many because I want to be able to follow them properly, reading their posts, leaving comments and having discussions. But how do I choose from such an interesting bunch?

I have been lucky enough to have the time to take a glimpse at quite a few on the list. I work evenings in our library and as it is end of term this week, most of my jobs are done, I have very few students left to deal with and our summer library projects have not yet begun. But I think this has only added to the difficulty in making my decisions!

I was happy to find the Neon Librarian, which is a great blog that I have followed on and off before. I was also happy (perhaps too much so) to have a comment left on my blog which lead me to look at, and subsequently follow and chat with, Cat at We both work in FE college libraries and I think I will look for a few more that do too. I would also like to follow a few from other specialist areas of librarianship, from other countries and hopefully some who are also interested in Music librarianship and sound archives (wishful thinking perhaps). Does anyone know if/how I can search for 'music' or 'sound' as a tag?

Yes, I think this entry is going to have to be in two parts so I can update when I have picked a few more and have done some more commenting and interacting. So until part two....    

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

CPD thing one: To blog or not to blog?

I am doing this course to see how I and other library folk can benefit from social media, blogging in particular, and how we can incorporate these ideas in to our own libraries. Also to connect and talk with fellow library people and to exchange thoughts on all things productive.

I work part time in a college library. It is a land based college with courses including agriculture, horticulture, animal care, countryside management and outdoor adventure to name a few. We are very lucky with our facilities and we are in a new building specifically designed for our students needs.

I graduated from university in 2008 with a music degree, then went on to do my library graduate trainee year in another university library. I then intended to do my library MA, specialising in music librarianship. Unfortunately, due to a number of reasons, I have been unable to do this yet.
My current job, however, allows and encourages me to explore and link my own interests in librarianship to benefit our college library. As an example, I am currently creating a Sound Archive which I hope to blog about at some point.

I look forward to the new 'things' I will be learning and hope to take as much as possible from this course.