Tuesday, 28 June 2011

CPD thing one: To blog or not to blog?

I am doing this course to see how I and other library folk can benefit from social media, blogging in particular, and how we can incorporate these ideas in to our own libraries. Also to connect and talk with fellow library people and to exchange thoughts on all things productive.

I work part time in a college library. It is a land based college with courses including agriculture, horticulture, animal care, countryside management and outdoor adventure to name a few. We are very lucky with our facilities and we are in a new building specifically designed for our students needs.

I graduated from university in 2008 with a music degree, then went on to do my library graduate trainee year in another university library. I then intended to do my library MA, specialising in music librarianship. Unfortunately, due to a number of reasons, I have been unable to do this yet.
My current job, however, allows and encourages me to explore and link my own interests in librarianship to benefit our college library. As an example, I am currently creating a Sound Archive which I hope to blog about at some point.

I look forward to the new 'things' I will be learning and hope to take as much as possible from this course.


  1. Hi Lucy Jane - love your blog title! The sound archive sounds really interesting - is it going to be land-based related things?

  2. Hello Cat, thank you for your comment!

    Yes, it is going to be land based. We are fortunate enough to be located in the middle of some very beautiful surroundings which are also open to the public.

    The archive is going to be divided in to three sections:
    Firstly we will have seasonal soundscapes of different key places on campus- by the lake, by the house, in individual gardens, by the animal park and stables etc. The sounds are going to be accessed via an interactive map of the estate (hopefully) and be updated through out the seasons of the year.
    Secondly we are going to have specific animal and birds sounds. Identified, with a small write up and a picture/animation and info about where you could hear them/where the recording was captured. This will perhaps be organised by species.
    Thirdly we will be recording student activity!
    Including sounds and soundscapes from lessons (I have a good one of the students hearding sheep!) With a short write up about the activity, perhaps from the student. This will probably be organised by subject area.

    It is all very much in the early stages at the moment but once we up and running I would like to propose that we get the students involved with the making of the archive itself. Whether it could be as part of a lesson plan, or whether we could get them interested in it as an extra-curricular activity.
    This could be a fun and interesting part of our library promotion plan, encouraging students to make use of our resources, equipment, staff, and Moodle in a different and imaginative context. It would also engage their research skills when having to look up and identify different species sounds/birdsong etc.

    But we shall see!

  3. That sounds like a fantastic project! The through the year thing reminds me of a sound artist I heard speaking on the Glastonbury coverage last weekend who had been going to different parts of the sight at different times of the year and recording what was going on. Hope it goes well!

    I'm hoping that blogging will be a useful way to reflect on development activities I'm involved in (and help on the chartership journey...) and as a way to connect with other librarians.

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